This week I talk about the NBA and transgender bathroom issues and the attacks on police in the past couple of weeks.
End of Blog Season
Next week will be the last post of the blog season of 15-16. I will be taking the month of August and potentially September off to get settled into school. While there will be no podcasting or publishing posts happening, I hope to post various posts written by others that I feel may be beneficial to the readers. I will be back posting and podcasting soon. Don’t forget to check out this week’s podcast: Deep in the Rough– Episode 2.
10 Things You Should Know about Shame
Shame is a tough thing to deal with. It’s a ‘feeling’ that seems to cling on to us in various ways throughout our lives. Shame is a problem. When dealing with a problem, it’s best to know as much possible as there is to learn about it. Unfortunately, shame is one of those problems that doesn’t seem to be talked about enough. Even when it is discussed, I, at least, am still left with questions. In this featured article, Heather Davis Nelson does a great job answering questions about shame such as “What is the difference between shame and guilt?” or “How does shame affect us?”. This article is a relatively short read, but one that I hope will answer questions that you may have about the topic of shame. I encourage you to share your thoughts in the comments. You can find the article Here.
Deep in the Rough Podcast: Episode One
Episode One of Deep in the Rough Podcast
In this first edition of Deep in the Rough, we focus on the importance of Texas’s recently passed law, House Bill 2, and the impact it has on the current youth of the nation. Tim Tebow also made national headlines this week and we look at why this matters to young millennials.
Deep in the Rough Podcast Trailer
Deep in the Rough Podcast Trailer
An intro trailer to my new podcast Deep in the Rough: An audio analysis of what’s going on and why it matters.
Withstanding the Pressure Series Intro
Being a teenager is tough regardless of what century or decade you live in. Being a teenager is a time of finding out who you are and what you want to do. Along with this comes pressure. Pressure comes in many forms and from many places; it could come from your parents, school, or peers. As teenagers, peer pressure in particular is a very common issue. Exploring what God wants you to do in life is hard enough as it is, now there is added strain coming from our fellow classmates and friends. This pressure can cause us to avoid doing the things we possibly love the most because we are too wrapped up in what others think. Fortunately, we aren’t the first people to deal with this problem.