
     One of the series included in my blog is going to be book and movie reviews. These reviews are created with parents and maturing Christian teens in mind.
     Yesterday, my family and I went to see the movie Risen in theaters. In case you weren’t aware, Risen is about a Roman soldier who is tasked with the job of hunting down the missing body of Christ, which the Romans are sure was stolen from the tomb by His disciples. The movie is a great action film and gives you a really good look at what the resurrection looked like to a non-believer. It actually picks right up where the Passion leaves off. Before this, I had never actually thought of what the Romans would have done to ensure peace after Jesus was raised from the dead.
     Not only is it a great action and adrenaline-pumping movie, but it also holds quite accurate with Scripture. I think they did a great job with aligning it to Truth apart from a few minor details, such as the linen cloths not being folded up. There were a few gory scenes especially in the beginning which is why it is rated PG-13. My parents said, however, that it is not as gory as the Passion (a movie that I refuse to watch simply for that reason). It had a good and intriguing l story to it that I hope and believe will draw even non-believers to it.
     In conclusion, Risen is a movie that I would definitely recommend. It gives a good look at the resurrection that you might not have thought of before. It is accurate and in alignment with what Scripture says which is always a plus. I would suggest parental guidance for kids the age of about 10 and under simply because of certain scenes such as the breaking of the criminals’ legs. We had my eight-year-old brother with us but needed to cover his eyes at certain points. All-in-all, I would say that it is a good, family-friendly(ish), thought-provoking movie. Go check it out and let me know your thoughts and opinions on it.  Thanks.