How Our Prayer is Different

Prayer is an integral part of any Godly man or woman’s life. Yet, it seems a lot of us don’t understand and appreciate it as well as we can and should.

That’s one of the reasons the posts in the next few weeks are going to have a large emphasis on prayer, starting with this one: understanding how the way Christians are called and able to pray is unique from others who pray.

This is something that is important to understand for many reasons. One of the biggest of these being that it can give us a realization of the importance of prayer that we often seem to forget as a culture.

Prayer is a gift. A great and glorious gift we are given from God. We are given the ability to talk directly with the Creator of the Universe and too often we forget how amazing this is.

We also forget that we aren’t the only ones who pray. Prayer was around far before Christianity and is still a staple in every culture, so much so that, as will be proven with statistics in the following article, even some atheists pray on a regular basis.

What makes our prayer different from everyone else’s? This is what David Mathis addresses in his article “Do You Pray Like an Atheist?”  He makes distinctions about Christian prayer that are important to understand in our own prayer life.

You can find that article here. Make sure to subscribe if you haven’t already and check your inbox this Saturday morning for the next post. Thanks.