As I’ve written before, school is our mission field.
It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority. 8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:7-8 ESV).
Jerusalem is what the disciples knew, it was where they spent their time. The place that we currently spend our time and that we “know” is school… it’s our Jerusalem. As we go back to school, we are going back into our called mission field.
As we would if we were going to China or Africa, what most people think of when “mission field” is mentioned, we need to prepare our hearts and souls for this time.
A key to this is prayer. We need to come before God and ask for His guidance and strength for the school year. Below I wrote out my prayer as I personally prepare for the upcoming year with the hopes that it will be beneficial to those who are also getting ready as missionaries in our Jerusalem.
Father, the things that I ask, only You can give.
For You, alone, can shape our hearts and conform them to the image of Your Holy Son.
Please give me a continuous passion for You this school year that withstands any trial and stress I may face.
Give me the strength to trust in and rely on You at all times.
Constantly conform me into the image of Your Son through blessings, trials, and daily reflection on You with prayer and Scripture.
Father, provide me with wisdom in every circumstance:
a boldness to speak Truth when I would usually want to stay silent,
a strength when I am on the verge of crumbling,
and a focused mind on my studies,
yet a sober perspective that my ultimate purpose is not found in my grades, but in You.
Lord, let this truth not only affect my thoughts, but my actions, as well.
Show me how to worship You with each and every action in each and every moment of this year.
Father, I long for You to graciously give me a tongue without deceit and malice,
taking each thought captive so that I do not utter a careless, thoughtless word that,
while not ill-willed, is hurtful to others and to my witness as Your child and servant.
Pertaining not only to my tongue, but reaching to my thoughts and actions also,
teach me self-control
that I may not do things for the approval of others,
but do everything with Your commands and Your Holy Mission as the driving thought.
God, I ask for true humility and the understanding that any success I may attain
has nothing to do with what I have done, but what You have done in and through me.
Even the abilities and gifts that I have are given to me from You.
I have nothing to take credit for.
Please build patience and compassion in me,
so that in every setting and with every person,
I am displaying You;
In words, thoughts, and actions.
Father, place in my friends a passion to see our school radically changed this year as we submit to Your will and seek Your face.
Strengthen those relationships so that we share this ministry together,
lifting and encouraging each other up.
Father, I come to You asking that You work in my school this year:
In my peers, in our administrators, and in myself.
Give us a burning desire for You that totally changes our lives and the way our school operates.
I ask for Your blessing this year in everything that I do.
All of these things I pray in the powerful name of Your Son, Jesus Christ.