How Our Prayer is Different

Prayer is an integral part of any Godly man or woman’s life. Yet, it seems a lot of us don’t understand and appreciate it as well as we can and should.

That’s one of the reasons the posts in the next few weeks are going to have a large emphasis on prayer, starting with this one: understanding how the way Christians are called and able to pray is unique from others who pray.

This is something that is important to understand for many reasons. One of the biggest of these being that it can give us a realization of the importance of prayer that we often seem to forget as a culture. Continue Reading...

10 Things You Should Know about Shame

Shame is a tough thing to deal with. It’s a ‘feeling’ that seems to cling on to us in various ways throughout our lives. Shame is a problem. When dealing with a problem, it’s best to know as much possible as there is to learn about it. Unfortunately, shame is one of those problems that doesn’t seem to be talked about enough. Even when it is discussed, I, at least, am still left with questions. In this featured article, Heather Davis Nelson does a great job answering questions about shame such as “What is the difference between shame and guilt?” or “How does shame affect us?”. This article is a relatively short read, but one that I hope will answer questions that you may have about the topic of shame. I encourage you to share your thoughts in the comments. You can find the article Here. Continue Reading...