Summer: A Time of Preparation

Unfortunately, Summer is starting to dwindle down with less than a month left for the majority of us. It’s sad, but it’s a good motivator to make sure we are using our time effectively.

Last year, at the beginning of Summer, I wrote a blog post about having a productive Summer and this is along similar lines. However, instead of focusing mainly on activity-based productivity, this is about spiritually-based productivity.

With school being such a stressful and busy time, the Summer is a great and much-needed time to disconnect, unwind, and reset for the upcoming year. As we prepare physically and emotionally for the stressful time, we also need to prepare our souls. Continue Reading...

7 Tips for a Better Reading Experience

This Summer, I have been making a focused effort to spend this time off from school in a productive way. A key component in doing so, as I mentioned in my Don’t Waste Your (Summer) Life post, is to read. An activity is usually more enjoyable if it’s easier and that’s the way it typically goes for reading, as well. My dad has had to do a LOT of reading through out his life with College, Seminary, and  just being a pastor so I look to him for advice. He wrote an article back in February on his blog and I would like to share it with you. He lists seven ways we can make reading better, faster and smarter by going into points such as removing distractions and ways to build speed. We are all going to have to read at some point so why not look for ways to make it easier? Check it out at . Have any thoughts or suggestions? Let me know in the comments. Continue Reading...

Don’t Waste Your (Summer) Life

If you are a teenager reading this, I want you to quickly do the math and think about how many summers you have left before college. If you are a parent, think about how many summers, if any, your child has. I recently realized that I only have three summers remaining (this one included!). That was a very sobering thought… three summers before I’m off to college. With only three summers left, I want to make sure I don’t waste my summer and encourage other teens not to waste theirs, either, so I thought about some do’s and do not’s to ensure we make the most out of our remaining childhood free time. Continue Reading...